Concierge Director: Kay Weir
Patient Name: Jackie Hawpe
Patient Age: 76
Admission date: 3/16/21
Admitted from: Vanderbilt University Medical Center
Discharge Date: 6/24/21
Discharged to: Home with wife and daughter
Length of stay: 128 days
Reason for stay:24/7 Skilled Nursing due to left side stroke and Respiratory Failure
How did the patient hear about Quality Center? Vanderbilt University MC referred the returning patent.
Details of Experience:
Mr. Jackie Hawpe arrived at Quality Center for Rehabilitation and Healing on March 16, 2021, following a stay at Vanderbilt Wilson Medical Center, Lebanon, Tennessee. Mr. Hawpe was referred to Quality Center for speech therapy, occupational therapy, and physical therapy. Mr. Hawpe had been hospitalized with covid-19 and a cerebrovascular accident in February 2021.
Upon Mr. Hawpe’s arrival, he was greeted by several members of our professional team. Within his first 24 hours, Mr. Hawpe met with clinicians, therapists, our physician, administrative staff, and other members of our team, who welcomed him and answered all questions. Jackie was also greeted by the Director of Concierge, Kay Weir, who presented him with a CareRite welcome bag and her warm attentiveness, which she provides to all of Quality’s residents and families.
Mr. Hawpe had his therapy assessment performed by Lisa Spencer. He was a total assist for sitting up in bed, sitting on the side of the bed, and for transfers. He was non-weight bearing on his left leg. During his stay, the patient’s rehab potential fluctuated. Due to respiratory distress, he was placed on 10L of oxygen at all times and had to use a CPAP nightly. Jackie also exhibited swallowing deficits and decreased cognition. It was a challenging time for Jackie, and he seemed to be giving up.
Despite the inability to use his left leg and being dependent on staff for nearly everything, he was highly motivated by our therapy team and his caregivers, who cheered him on not to give up and keep fighting to get better and stronger! He has done just that. Mr. Hawpe and the therapists set goals for him to become more functional to go home. Mr. Hawpe stated he didn’t think he would live, as he was in constant pain for the first three days. His pain level was 8/10 before administering medications, and after about one week, his pain decreased to 4/10. Therapy has worked very hard with Mr. Hawpe, and he’s made great improvements. He has worked hard to increase his strength and sit up on the side of the bed with assistance. As weeks passed on, Jackie began to assist with more of his activities of daily living. He was also transferring from bed to chair with his wheelchair and assistance from staff.
Mr. Hawpe has made incredible progress in the last few months. In the beginning, he was non-weight-bearing, and before discharge, he was walking 125 ft x 2 with his walker. His oxygen level was lowered to 4L. Jackie is very appreciative of everything therapy has done for him. He stated, “he would highly recommend anyone to our community for help. The staff is great, loving, and friendly. If he ever needs rehab again, he would return. Mr. Hawpe will be discharged home with his wife and daughter. Social Work has ordered portable oxygen and a wheelchair for home use.
Jackie was discharged home on June 24th with our very best wishes.